Five pounds

19 03 2011

As best as I can tell, I’m down five pounds.

My weight fluctuates a pound or two each day, so deciding on an estimate of where I “started” (my average weight in February-ish) and an estimate of where it is now, I’m down at least 5. Maybe 8 (!).

This is within 5 of where I ended last summer (when I was working out mondo amounts).  (and had plenty of time to plan and cook meals.)

I’m pretty pleased with this. I did it by eating well (1500ish calories a day made up of high quality food) and exercising 2-3 times a week. I could step it up with my exercising, but what I’m doing now (Hatha yoga 1-2x and Zumba 1x weekly) fits in really well with my schedule. Some people might tell me to up my calorie intake, but it’s hard to rationalize when I’m not exercising that much. Although I’m moving 3x/week, it’s not like I’m running 10 miles or weight training.  I’m still trying to find “balance” in everything – exercise, food, real life.  My (sorta) long term plan is to keep doing whatever helps me loose 5 or so pounds a month. I expect to have much more dramatic ups and downs, but I’m fully conscious of making this a lifestyle, not a diet.